Tag Archives: fall

The Singing Revolution (2006)

Between 1986 and 1991 singing was the weapon of choice for the people of Estonia who sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation.  During these years masses of young people, without any political party, gathered in public to sing patriotic songs and to rally for national independence — patriotic songs that had been made forbidden.

People tend not to think of singing when it comes to revolutions, but with the Estonian culture and tradition of song not just tens of thousands but Hundreds Of Thousands gathered to sing and to give their nation a renew spirit.

“The Singing Revolution”, by James Tusty and Maureen Castle Tusty, tells the incredibly moving story of how the people of Estonia peacefully regained their freedom and helped to topple the Soviet empire in the process.

My fellow musicians, If Ever You Question The Importance And The Power Of Our Craft … watch The Singing Revolution.  Imagine a revolution that looks like this with everyone you can see singing



The Singing Revolution at IMDb.com and Wikipedia …. and for no good apparent reason another page about the same film at Wikipedia.  Go figure.