I’ve had my truck off the road during the past number of weeks to complete a few work items on my repair & improve list. There have been a number of delays due to schedule and a major appliance going out at home, and yet my dad & I have chipped away at the work when and where we can. Last night my truck reached a point where it’s ready to go back on the road for a while. This accomplishments with this round of work feels good — it looks like I’m starting to get on top of my to-do list.
Today I plan to get the front bumper back on my truck — to get my truck in our garage I had to start with taking off both bumpers. Lately our temperatures have been as low as the upper teens and as high as the mid-30s — and we (finally) had our first round of snow. Right now we’re getting our second round of snow. For the next few days it looks like we’re supposed to get more of the teen temps to lower-30s and snow. Snow began to fall again this morning, and so far it’s sticking however it is our warmer wet-snow … and now I’m going outside to work on my truck.
Not actually my truck … same brand and product line however
At this juncture I will skip how our western Washington snow IS in fact different than many other parts of the country, how we DO know how to drive in the snow VRS the southern transplants to Washington State that have no freakin’ clue (including how to drive in snow, rain, sun, etc), and how our wet-cement snow turns to ice along with being on hills that have more or less the same slope as parts of San Francisco.
SO — the remaining work to get my truck back on the sidewalks …. er, I mean, back on the road…
Reinstall the front bumper and other MANLY metal bits along with the grill. There is also a jerry-rig repair I want to finally complete on the grill.
Reinstall a few interior bits now that that the defrost and dash-board lights are operating again.
Replace the sandbags in the bed and put my tailgate back on — minor things, but necessary nonetheless.
Paint the rear bumper on Saturday, get the paint adequately dry, rebuild the bumper (license plate lights and etc-bits), and bolt the bumper back on Sunday.
Yeah, I think that’s it. The first step though is to get my winter clothing located following my move this past summer. I’m and old-school Pacific Northwest boy — up to a point I tend to shake off the rain and snow … but over and around this weekend we’re supposed to get hit with enough snow and cold AND since I’ll be laying on the ground to get bumpers back on … yeah, something a little more serious in the way of clothing is called for.
Oh … PS!
When I grow up I wanna be a snowmobile!
This time last year my truck was off the road, in a garage, with my dad and I doing work on it. The winter before that I didn’t drive it because I didn’t need to. This is the first time in snow that I might actually get to drive my truck and see how it handles, how I do with it. I was starting to wonder if it was going to notoriously be ‘off the road‘ every winter and I was never going to drive it in the snow. I’ve been all ready for this year — sandbags in the back along with snow tires!
When it comes to inclement weather are you an in-door person? Do you prefer to curl up at home on the couch in a blanket, sipping a favourite hot beverage with a book? If so, grab your preferred online device and order a book — and not just any book but my book — “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies“, available now on Amazon in paperback and e-book. Over 50 proven recipes including cookies, biscotti, coffee, coffee cake and apple sauce, along with a number of main-course comfort foods you and your friends are sure to enjoy!
Did that sound like an advertisement? If so, good — because I need to sell these things!
Is it just me or does that guy look like a vampire?
The Maze Virus came and outbreak followed — but what happens when the infected are cured and returned to being human? That’s the question The Cured asks … or at least eventually does … I guess?
I learned of The Cured from a preview. My understanding was that this was another zombie film, and as I started watching it I wasn’t sure if it was zombies or vampires. Checking the DVD case clarified things:
“In a world ravaged for years by a virus that turns the infected into zombie-like cannibals, a cure is at last found and the wrenching process of reintegrating the survivors back into society begins.”
So — let’s clarify — if the ‘monsters’ are ‘zombie-like’ then they weren’t zombies. The sentence does say that they were ‘cannibals’ … so I guess this is a post-cannibal virus-apocalypse film and not technically a zombie film — but just to be safe, I’m going to review it as a Z-film.
Let’s start with the fact that …
Ireland — it’s small
My library considers this a “Horror” film. I would call it a drama, that eventually has a modicum of horror, and then goes back to drama. And at that it is a dower drama film … which takes place in Ireland … because historically Ireland needs more dower.
Paula Malcomson
The film stars Ellen Page acting as Abbie, who is an American woman in Ireland for no apparent reason that I can tell except to better sell this film to American audiences***. It has other Irish actors that did great but I don’t recognize their names, and they have lighter Irish accents which I suspect also helps to sell this film to American audiences. Lastly, it has Paula Malcomson as Dr. Lyons … which really doesn’t matter, or the fact that she has a light accent that’s good for American audiences. What’s cool about Paula Malcomson being in this film is having seen her as Amanda Graystone in the new Battlestar Galactica spin-off series Caprica. By the way, I remember hearing her in one of the Caprica episode commentaries and she is HILARIOUS!
What I do like about this film is that — for the most part — it takes a very different approach to telling a cannibal story … remember, these are “zombie-like cannibals”, but for the moment let’s say that it is a zombie story (which I’ll come back to). This is after the hordes, after the apocalypse, it is during a time that people are rebuilding — and in z-films that’s, well … I can’t think of another film I’ve seen that does that. Also, there was a virus — and a cure was discovered that worked for about 75% of the infected people … which is 100% more cure than other z-films I’ve seen. The story-tellers use of ‘the virus’ approach to zombies quite possibly makes the most sense yet — it makes people mindless cannibalistic pack-hunters as opposed to other zombie-virus films where folks get the virus/infection and essentially go wild.
There is a point where the virus and infected reemerge, a new round of chaos briefly rampages through the streets (before turning back into a dower drama). Had that been 80% of this film rather than the maybe 20% and they replaced Ellen Page, this might have been my new favourite over 28 Days Later.
But no …
Time For My Conclusion
This film holds a moderate rating at IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. With me, that would be about right – it’s a thinking-viewer’s zombie film, it’s a drama zombie film, it’s dower, and it’s too Ellen Pagey. I am somewhat generouslygiving The Cured my moderate score of Yellow Puss — there are too many things that didn’t work for me, but in many ways it is a well made film.
*** The other mistake about Ellen Page acting in this film is that she’s Ellen Page. She’s barely more interesting to watch than that boring chick in the Twilight films. Remember — the brunette that has the same paralytic facial expression for every emotion — you know, the lead actress?!? I get the impression that the way HolloWood works these days is that an actor or actress rises through the ranks — not because they’re good at acting because most of them aren’t, so they’re elevating some other way — and HolloWood milks as much as they can out of that person until they have a few too many flops or the individual has a personal & public melt-down that’s too big to handle. When it comes to Ellen Page and “The Cured”, I got the sense that she was in this film because she’s just big enough to get attention for the film but not as so big that the Irish filmmakers couldn’t afford her. Furthermore, when it comes to reading about Ellen Page’s personal life and her “I know better than everyone else” high & mighty millennial attitude … quite frankly, were she and I in the same room … I don’t think I could politely excuse myself and exit stage left fast enough.
Every year I look forward to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy event in Seattle. I’ve been the ‘Official Piper’ for our state’s version of this Chinese-Scottish cross-cultural dinner-show since it started in this former logging town — it’s a BLAST!
This time a year ago as I was once again preparing for the fun and frivolity of the night, I received an interesting request…. My friend, Bill MacFadden — who’s also the Seattle GHFC host — invited me to present my upcoming recipe book “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies“. There was just one problem ….
I hadn’t finished it yet!
My book published on Amazon this past fall — 26Oct2018 to be exact! Last year Bill offered for me to include a copy of my book with a plate of my cookies in the pot-luck dessert auction — I couldn’t do it last year so I’m doing it this year 🙂
When I thought about it though, I asked myself “How does my book tie in to this Scottish-Chinese event?!?” The answer to that is simple! In my book I feature how to make traditional Scottish Shortbread along with the history of its importance with Hogmanay (part of Scottish New Years). Also, three of my own bagpipe compositions are featured at the end of the book …
Beag air Bheag (“Little by Little” in Scots Gaelic)
Here’s a video of me playing for a Lion at the 2011 event — while the sound-quality leaves a few things to be desired, this performance is one of my biggest memories of playing the Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy!
I’ve been a busy bloke lately …
… I’ve restarted my day-job search
… I’ve been working on my truck to get ready for my commute
… I’ve been promoting my book, AND
… I’ve been getting a few book presentations scheduled
Yeah, you read that bit about how I’m working on getting a day-job and getting my truck ready for my commute? Here’s the thing … I need to kill the rust on the cab floor of my truck and paint it. I’ve had some modern Naval Jelly stuff and paint along with other supplies, I just haven’t had time. My preference has been to do this outside during the summer, yet the past few summers have been too busy. This is +/- a 1-week project …. and now I’m trying to do it done before a job starts AND in winter?!?
Here’s The Deal …
The work ahead is more or less like this — bearing in mind that I have to make some accommodations to do the work at this time of year …
Remove the bumpers from my truck to get it to narrowly fit in the garage at my new place — DONE
Remove the bench seat and flooring — Partly DONE
Carefully pull my truck into the garage where there is little space (Note that previously I thought I was going to have to remove the doors, too — but I’ve figured out how to accomplish the work without pulling these off.)
Not a post like this.
Heat the cab in an otherwise cold garage so the rust-killer stuff I have will work right and then allow it to sit for about 24 hours
Paint the floor and heat the cab in the previously mentioned cold garage so the paint will dry right and allow that to sit for about 3 days
Reinstall everything in the cab, put the bumpers back on, and return to driving on the sidewalks (<– yes, that last one is a joke — if you can’t deal with it then stop reading now)
There are other tasks I aim to complete while the truck is off the road and the paint is curing, however that is aside the focus of this post …
Progress so far …
For the past few weeks I’ve been working on getting this project going — but things keep coming up. You make plans and then there’s what happens — plans (often) don’t always work out as projected, the important part is that you do your best. I have the bumpers off, the seat-belts and the bench-seat unbolted. Yesterday I thought I was going to get the truck in, however a problem presented with the garage door — so a decision was made to put the work off until next week after the door is fixed.
There is a bright-spot in all of this …
I have plenty to do in the meantime — including working on my job search. As for my truck, one of the smaller tasks is that I’ve wanted to kill the rust on the rear bumper and paint it. I had planned to do this concurrently while working on the floor — now I get to try out my Naval Jelly product first and get familiar with it before working on the more-critical floor. This also gives me time to work on other things that have needed attention.
OH… and one more thing… There is an online bagpipe school called Dojo University — I’ve known about them for years and heard nothing but good things and their prices are quite affordable. If I could I would like to give their school a go, however I haven’t had an adequate net connection since finding out about them. In the mean time I’ve read articles that they put out and uses some of their free services. Lately I’ve been taking part in the “Dojo U 100 Day Bagpipe Challenge“. The primary part of the challenge is for pipers, in their individual practice, to assemble their pipes and practice one tune — any tune — a day for 100 consecutive days …. and if you miss a day, you have to start over. I see the object of this as not so much to work on one’s playing ability as it is to develop discipline. Today will be Day 012 — it’s going well — and if I can … between now and when I can get started on my truck next week … I aim to do two practices a day.
For starters, I have to say that I’m surprised that this tile wasn’t already used by some previous zombie film. Maybe it was and I’m just not aware of it, but let’s get into it, shall we?
RATING – Yellow Puss, nearly Green Ooze – The Dead is an interesting film among Z-films.
Somewhere off the coast of war-torn West Africa a plane-load of American soldiers are evacuating. The plane crashes in an area where the night before a horde of zombies attacked villages through the area — and US military engineer, Lieutenant Brian Murphy, is the only survivor.
With no other options and limited resources, Lieutenant Murphy starts to walk his way out of the country. Yeah, it’s The Journey, but for this film it works rather well. Amid a country of zombies there are very few humans — often called ‘survivors‘ — and our engineer finds and teams up with a regional soldier, Daniel, who is gone AWOL and looking for his son. In time, Daniel asks Brian to locate his son. And that’s all I’ll tell you about this as to not give any spoilers….
Here’s the thing about this film and my review — call it a confession if you will — I did not get to write my review after watching it, and I had a lot of good things to say during the viewing. Once I got around to writing I got very busy with Xmas holiday stuff and touring the state of Washington as a guest player with a Celtic-rock band — I did not have time to re-watch and better-write my review, but I will tell you this …
Remember kids, always brush your teeth.
This film has an unexpected element and rather different charactre among Z-films. It wasn’t a great film but it was a good film, and frankly it was hard not to give it a Green Ooze rating. It also gives some beautiful views of parts of Burkina Faso and Ghana. If you are a zombie film fan, The Dead is a must-watch.
Yes — an ADDENDUM! Why? Because I wrote and published this before, and somehow it survived a hard drive crash I had, but it didn’t originally get posted when I moved my website. ANYWAY… Take a look at the Wikipedia page for this film regarding the production — it’s nearly amazing the film even got made…
The cast and crew encountered many problems. Shooting was planned for 6 weeks — it took 12! First there was a delay in shipping the equipment to Africa which added 3 weeks. The lead actor, Rob Freeman, contracted malaria and almost died in the middle of filming. Additional delays were caused by major damage to camera equipment. Howard J. Ford — one of the directors — later published a book, titled Surviving the Dead (2012), that detailed the troubled production.
Adventures In Truckdom
Doors … Done? Anything … Done?
I set out to do a number of little tasks on my truck today — all of which I thought I was going to be able to knock out and then be done working on my truck for the coming week. Best laid plans …
After starting in on my truck I found I needed to spend some time addressing the storage of one of my cars along with some spare body parts I have for my truck. All of this needed immediate attention and it sucked up a bunch of time! Frustrating, but stuff like that happens.
My plans today were to finish the work on both of my truck doors — seal the gutter rubber, transfer a seal from the bottom of my old passenger door to the new one, pull the windshield washer bottle and change the pump, restocked cab, and install a seat cover.
What did I get done? … Restocked the cab a bit, half finished the doors, and pulled the windshield washer bottle. I also had to re-work the passenger door because I screwed up a bit when I built it. Nothings broken, I just put some stuff on backwards — which I kind of need to take it apart again tomorrow and check the other bits.
Oh, I also got some sandbags into my bed today for winter traction.
What else did I accomplish? I’m tired and sore. Going on 3 years ago I was in a car accident and got whiplash; I think I’m mostly healed now and back to normal, but sometimes I wonder that I’m still recovering some of my strength and stamina. Some of it too could be that I’ve also gotten older in the mean time. Poo. But, I’m not one to give up, not one to stop pushing or trying — NOPE!
Here’s the thing… I have plans to leave for the weekend — plans that are important to me — and I need my truck a bit more ready than it has been. I think I can get everything else done tomorrow.
I’m not sure if I forgot something above. I’m not sure if this is written at all well. I’m sore and tired … I mentioned that, right?
It seems that this is a review I lost with my hard drive crash nearly 2 years ago. Here’s news — you’re not missing anything — nothing in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and nothing with my review. If a film doesn’t register with you, it’s hard to review it — so what would you read from that? ANSWER – me, annoyed.
Anyway, I’m working from memory here, so let’s get started…
Colour Rating — Yellow Puss or Red Blood … whatever …
I haven’t read Pride and Prejudice, I have had no plans to, and after this film I am further not interested. It’s amusing that Seth Grahame-Smith could write a quirky parody mashup (published 2009) combining the 1813 Jane Austen‘s classic novel with elements of modern zombie fiction, but mostly I just found it snooty and boring — I couldn’t get in to it. When they showed the action stuff, it worked for me, but all otherwise it was the whos-in-love-with-whom Jane-Austen-junk my mother warned me about.
Not a gore-fest, this Z-film was a SNORE-fest!
There was clearly a lot of money behind this film, and one good thing I can say about it is that I’m sure it will perturb the Jane Austen purists. Hopefully, it will be at least a little fun that it was re-envisioned. For me though, coming from the zombie-film fan perspective . . . something was lost with this to capture the the zombie-fan demographic.
If you’re a Pride-Prejudice/Austen fan and you’re open-minded — go for it. If you’re a zombie-fan and you want to make sure you’ve watched EVERY zombie related film, well … good luck. If you’re a die-hard zombie-film fan …. don’t bother.
One of the needed repairs to my truck is the cab floor — it’s rusty. Something that came the neglect of the previous owner/s was the idea that gutter-rubber wasn’t really …. necessary. The drivers-side one was missing when I got the truck, and the screwy passenger-side door didn’t close all the way. Ultimately water came in, soaked the flooring, the flooring worked like a sponge soaking up water, and this water was held to the floor. Now, let’s do some math… paint
Wet Flooring + Time = RUST …. not awesome :-\
Once I got this truck and started going over it, I found the wet and stinky floor and the rust. I got the flooring to be not wet and the cab of the truck to be not stinky — then I started working over the floor. I exposed all the rust and even found a few pin-holes in the process. A car-guy friend patched the holes and told me what to do to kill the rust, how to paint and further seal the cab floor. This would have been nice to work over during a summer but things haven’t worked out that way. Why summer? I could work outside, it’s warm and dry, and venting fumes isn’t a problem. Right now I’m figuring out if I can work over the floor in the off season. There are some tricks to it though…..
Space — The Final Frontier…
There is a garage I can use. It isn’t heated but I think I can heat what I need to accomplish the job done. I need to remove both bumpers to get my truck in … hopefully. I will also need to remove both doors to be able to do the work.
The Space/Time Continuum
Then comes that “Time” factor again from above. The rust-killer juice I have is 2 bottles of stuff — some stuff like Naval-jelly that removes the rust followed by a bottle that neutralizes the Naval-jelly once it’s done its work. After that, paint. My car-guy friend instructed to put it on with a brush so the paint would be thick — reading the can it sounds like it won’t dry correctly. I’ve figured that I could probably spray it on and do multiple coats, which would help it to dry better and end up being thick. I’ve been trying to check with said-car-guy to see if that should work. The funny thing is that I think this paint is technically Ford’s signature-blue colour and my truck is a Chevy. The other time issue is if I can pull this off before looking to have my truck back on the road when I want to go out of town this coming weekend …. this on top of stuff going on with my book (available on Amazon.com), holiday baking, the holidays themselves, AKA life. Add to the time-issue, I’m also looking to paint my rear bumper while it’s off the truck.
That said — I need to shake a leg on this stuff… Whatever why things go, I have just a little more to do on a door-repair yet today.
It should be no surprise that that Day of the Dead 2: Contagium rings in as another Yellow Puss. Probably it should be Red Blood. I’ll tell you what I have to say about this film, but first please read these which I found under “Reception” on Wikipedia….
Peter Dendle called DOTD2 Contagium a “boring, transparent feature” that was “forgotten almost as soon as it was released”.
Steve Barton of Dread Central rated it 0/5 stars and wrote, “This is a sequel in name only, created solely to generate revenue from ill informed fans.” Contagium
Joseph Savitski of Beyond Hollywood wrote that the film “is not only an exercise in incompetence, but also a blatant attempt at false advertising.”
Dennis Prince of DVD Verdict wrote, “There is no warning too strong that would urge you to avoid this DVD at all costs.”
So what does BagpiperDon think of Contagium?
Bearing in mind that this film hand a whole whopping $1M budget in 2005 — that should already tell you that this is a nothing film. It was confusing as to the significance in light of the 1985 “Day of the Dead” not to mention the “Day of the Dead” from 2008. It seems like a film that wants to have a few good new ideas to the genre. Also, it had the fun of being a simple, low-budget Z-film ….. but in the end… it’s a waste of time.
Today is my birthday, and it’s a bit of a milestone — call it a half-milestone. Most people are cool with their birthdays while some folks get weird — self-conscious about aging, resentful about past celebrations, attention seeking … whatever. And then other people poo-poo the B-Day folks for wanting to acknowledge their birthday, passing judgment that it’s childish to observe or celebrate. In the end it is what it is to the B-Day boy or girl, and if you can’t say something nice then keep your garbage to yourself … which is about the nicest way I can say that.
Oh … Dear Reader, please note…
If you’re thinking that this is some friendly-happy blog-post about my birthday, it’s NOT. This is more of a hard-core truth and you might prefer to opt-out now.
Aww crap — did I just write a “trigger warning”?!?
This is how much a day-hike in Washington State sucks. Forgive me for asking you to subject yourself to this horrific-ness with a drag like me.
Five, six, whatever years ago I gave up on trying to celebrate with my “friends“. I’d make plans that I thought were interesting activities, doing something I like to do — which was usually going on an autumnday hike, which is BEAUTIFUL here. I’d make invites a few months in advance, and as the date grew closer people had more important things to do and canceled — one time the last 2 people canceled on the day. In many cases these were folks who maybe I’d only get to see once a year … birthday
So it became None.
Fine, I’ll take this elsewhere…
I gave up on trying to celebrate my birthday with any of my “friends“ — the people who mattered to me and I understood it was mutual. I’d make it to their celebrations, but when it came to mine … they were “busy”. After enough years of this I found that it was healthier for me to detach — detach from whatever it was that was the difference between my understanding and theirs, detach from wanting to do something with people I thought I got to share some happiness with in this life, detach from thinking that someone might be interesting enough to stop and do something different with and essentially say “I’m glad you’re here with me.” So I don’t know if I’m not cool enough, or not interesting enough, or because I don’t drink it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a fun enough time for you* to celebrate with me … FINE … if you can’t play with me for even part of one day then I’m not playing with you. Which is about the nicest way I can say that, too.
(*I just thought of a term — “Drunktard”.)
Don’t get me wrong – I’m no longer angry at these “friends”, these humanish-people things, whatever they are — but I am angry.
I am angry that we grow up, we ‘become adults’, we have families, careers, and these develop into excuses. And excuses for excuses — and licenses for excuses — but hear me when I say…
It is all BULLSHIT.
(Oops, I didn’t say that “nice“.)
I am angry that the best folks can do is leave a little Happy Birthday message on a social media* site. I can barely give a single slice of (a turd) when I get a text saying “Hey — Happy Birthday!” but a person can’t pick up their same phone and call to say the same??? I am angry that the more technology connects us the more disconnected we become — but hey, the other person pushed a button, they did something to acknowledge their friend/loved-one, so they can move on to the next thing on Their All Important To-Do List. I am angry at human conduct in my perception and opinion that appears to be inauthentic.
(*I’m so old I remember when “face time” meant actually spending time together FACE TO FACE without an “e-” in front of anything.)
Palmer was pointing out that to this other singer experiencing life fully with all the good & bad parts is of upmost importance while we are here, while we have the opportunity, and that shutting down or disconnecting in any way is missing it. I think it can similarly be said that being inauthentic is an ultimate obscenity to this beautiful experience we only get one chance at — just one! birthday
Every year now I tend to go silent for my birthday.
If someone does happen to call or (god help me) e-message me I’ll meet them where they’re at — I won’t shove them off, I’ll at least say “Thank you.” to a text, but I’m also not putting anything out for anyone to go do anything with me … I wouldn’t want to ask them to put themselves out — how inconsiderate of me!
More than anything I go silent online.
Am I isolating? Maybe, but I’m also not allowing for the bullshit to come in either.
I don’t allow posts on my social media locations because on most days there are folks who cannot conduct themselves with adequate decorum with their postings. I guess because of their bullshit version of rugged individualism where anything flies — “And if you don’t like what I said, screw you, I gotta right to express myself — UNGH!” This means I don’t receive the George Jetson happy birthday posts either — and GOOD. …And now Facebook has started doing these charitable-birthday-cause things?!? “Instead, for my birthday, I’m asking you to donate to some seemingly good cause that you don’t have to care about, just like me.” I don’t ask for those — if how folks fail to connect with me is any indicator, then any good-cause I might select wouldn’t get anything. (*insert chortle*)
Get your calendar and your pen and write the birthday of each person you care about on it and check it regularly (or set it up in your phone, it doesn’t matter as long as you do it). Contact these people and ask them out to lunch or dinner for their birthday — your treat. Get that same pen and some paper and write that someone an authentic note to add to a birthday card — fuck the card, it’s the note that matters. Get together with that person for whatever it is that they want to do even if you don’t fully think you’d have fun, because it’s not about you. Get real and acknowledge that this is really someone you care about or not — and if you can’t do that GET LOST.
When I think about this I’m lonely;
When I don’t think about it I’m just alone.
For years now I’ve liked the idea that if I had the money I’d take a trip for my birthday — hell, I’d take myself out to dinner but I can hardly afford to do that. I might tell people where I’m going & when I’ll be there — be it dinner or the trip — and if I see them there then good. Sure, the trip asks more expense and I wouldn’t expect people to show up, but when you tell folks enough in advance that you’re going to be at this restaurant or that bar and they don’t show up, can’t show up, have some excuse … then are they real? Are they really in your life? Are you really a part of theirs, or are you just a cog who serves them in some way?
If any of those questions resonate with doubt for you — dear reader — then maybe it’s time to take your little red wagon elsewhere and play with some better kids. Or is this just some bigger problem, that as a society our intimacy is dying? Or maybe as my non-bagpipe-related-posts go I should just shut-up and stick to reviewing zombie films …. like that matters. One of the nice things about playing Highland bagpipes is that while you’re playing you’re all alone — you can’t hear bullshit, you’re just in the music.birthday
“Be kind, be real, or get out of my face.” ~ Pete Townshend, 1992 in a writing about The Who ~ birthday