Improvements to Patriotic Piper V1

In my experience as an author I’ve learned  that no book is perfect.  As errors come to my attention I do my best to correct them and update my manuscripts — now for my second book, The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01.  This page serves not only so that readers may get the corrected information for their books and so people can get an idea of which version they have.

If you find other issues, please let me know.

First Correc… er, Improvements

The first series of corrections were made during the first week the book was published.  In reformatting the manuscript for the e-book version I found that some of the tune or recipe titles found at the beginning of sections lacked a space before the vertical lines at the end of the titles.

I fixed the occurrences of “puree” to “purée” in the recipe for Slow Cooked Scottish Beef Stew.

Lastly, I found that The Irish Jaunting Car was not written as I arranged it.  The difference is in line 2, the second to last bar (technically bar 4).  In early copies of the book the note progression is “C, B, Low-A, Low-G”; my arrangement, using the same note values, is “B, Low-A, Low-A, B”.