Okay, I finally did it — I have made the antithesis of my Top Ten List — this is the list of Zombie Films To AVOID.
These films are either that poor or that much wrong-made I think you would do best to SKIP THEM.

A is for Avoid
| After a while I’m sure a title will be here |
B is for Bad
C is for Crud
| Cemetery Man (1994) | Crazies, The (1973) | Cured, The (2018) |
D is for Dislike
| Dawn of the Dead (1978) | Dead Don’t Die, The (2019) |
E is for Excrement
F is for Forget It!
| |
G is for …
| |
I is for …
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J is for Junk
| |
K is for Kick this one to the curb
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L is for Lame
| |
M is for …
| |
N is for Never-mind
O is for Oh, I need to wash my hair
| Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz (2013) |
P is for Putrid
| Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) |
Q is for I Question why someone thought making these films was a good idea
| Quick and the Undead, The (2006) |
R is for the Regret you will have for not doing something better with your time
| Raiders of the Damned (2007) |
S is for Shesh!
| Survival of the Dead (2009) |
T is for Terrible
| |
U is for …
| |
V is for Very Very VERY Bad
| |
W is for Waste of time
| World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries 2 (2011) |
X is for …
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Y is for YETCH!
| |
Z is for Zero
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