Ouch! … So … Here’s the news …
Last night the wheels fell off of St. Patrick’s Day 2019 — Nae Regrets, my Celtic-rock band, will not be playing. NR usually has 2 annual gigs, –they are a BLAST to play and the folks hosting us always take good care of us. In and around these gigs — if we can — we try to wedge in a few other performances.

With St. Pat’s on a Sunday this year my aim for Nae Regrets was to play Friday evening, pull off some gigs Saturday along with busking Emerald City Comic Con, and then do our beloved Sunday gigs then go home and be back at it like normal people come Monday morning. The closer we’ve gotten to St. Pat’s 2019 the more things have fallen apart. Nae Regrets has been on on/off hiatus for a long time, but we have ALWAYS pulled it together and played St. Patrick’s Day. Not playing this year could mean the longest stretch that we haven’t played. I am disappointed to say the least.
When something isn’t happening, don’t force it — it’s time to take a step back.

Rolling with the punches, over the next year’s time I want to work with Thane on the music we’ve been talking about. I’ve always loved what NR does — especially when playing live — however I have wanted to take the music to where I have always imagined it. There are two other musicians I have wanted to bring on as core players and an amazing collection of other gifted artists I would like to have contribute. For some time now Nae Regrets has had 2 albums planned out on paper with more material to follow — but time and logistics have kept things from happening. 2019 will be the year to re-group!
Bummer about St. Pat’s 2019 — in addition to Nae Regrets’ albums, I wanted to bring copies of my book! “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies“ is available now on Amazon in paperback and e-book forms. WIBC
Things I Will Not Have To Put Up With Not Playing St. Patrick’s Day 2019
The 3-leaf Shamrock is Irish whereas 4-leaf clovers are Los Vegas Plastic Paddys
- Drunks
- Green beer (#cheap, #domestic)
- Bad bars
- Unappreciative audience members
- Over-appreciative audience members
- Audience members who won’t GTFO my stage
- Four leaf clovers
- Drunks
- Plastic Paddys
- People who think it’s okay to be “Irish for a day” and that means getting drunk and hitting someone
- People who think it’s okay to impugn Irish heritage because it’s white people
- People who don’t know the first thing about St. Patrick
- People who think St. Patrick was only good and fail to also see that he also destroyed a culture and heritage that was perfectly fine on it’s own
- People who fail to understand that I am playing Scottish pipes and wearing a Scottish kilt and that the heritages of Scotland and Ireland are not interchangeable … but I’m out there playing because it’s a gig and I need the money