REAL QUICK!!! — I was recently interviewed and featured on ButIDontLikeSalad. Yes, you read that right . . .
ButIDontLikeSalad is a writing-themed blog by a delightful lady in England — Claire Buss. Originally Claire found me online while looking to interview podcasters. I spoke up about the writing themed podcast I do with my friend, Tom, titled Writing On Whidbey Island. This lead to an interview on PenToPrint.org. On the heels of that, Claire asked me to do an interview which is now on ButIDontLikeSalad. I talked about writing, my first book “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies” (available on Amazon), and my upcoming book “The Patriotic Piper, Vol. I” (also on Amazon).
Okay — you got all of that — right?!?
Well, it’s also mentioned here on my Whidbey Island Baking Company website.
ENJOY! ~ Don