Adventures in Truck Canopydom
I’ve intended to get a canopy for my truck. These of course add more storage space along with at least a modicum of security. In the Pacific Northwest they also help to preserve the truck bed from rusting. For my uses, getting one additionally provides a quick if basic set-up for camping — and it would help with the SCUBA dive work I’ve been doing this summer.

For me, the timing of getting a canopy has been funny… I could-make use of one now, but I also need to conserve money. From my research local Craig’s List advertisements, at the low-end these run $50-200 and often are in the same condition — usually needing work. A few weeks ago I got lucky — got a canopy for my truck for free! I was alerted there was one at a neighborhood garage sale, so I got over there as quick as I could. As it turned out it had a lot of things going for it. The canopy was a similar colour to my truck, it was the right length, and it needed about as much work as the ones I had seen online. Not to mention that the price was definitely right! On the other hand, it was a little wider than the rim of my truck bed. The folks giving it away apparently had the same issue and had already attached some boards to adapt its width. I could go ahead and clamp it on my truck …. after paying $10 to their garage sale for a set of canopy clamps.

(Brunette not included … which is good because that wouldn’t work with me on account of my new and awesome girlfriend.)
As soon as I could I took to cleaning the canopy. It appeared to have been sitting on the ground for some time. Using dish soap, a gentle brush, and the garden hose I cleaned off dirt, grass, UFOs, and any number of bugs — alive or dead. In pretty short order I began to have a decent canopy and I was better able to assess the repairs.
It needs some work which I’ve already started. One of the windows doesn’t open, one of the windows doesn’t close. My plan is to make both of these so they’re permanently closed. I’ve removed the adapter boards to give them a better cut, so everything fits and seals between the canopy and rim of my truck bed — I’m also painting them. After getting the canopy I purchased a whole whopping $25 worth of supplies to help make everything else work well together. My new-to-me canopy ought to be in fine shape with a little more time and ingenuity.
… now I just need to learn to drive on mirrors.
Oh well … Always Learning!
PS — Get My Book & Support My Truck!
That’s right — I’m a published author! My first book has been available since October 2018 on Amazon. Through July 2019 the e-book version is available on Smashwords for a SCREAM of a price!!! (In fact, it should be less than what you see in the widget below…) Selling my book is part of how I make my income, and part of my income goes to making my truck happy. Keep an eye out — my next book will be published soon — a book of military and patriotic bagpipe tunes and their histories. I’m excited about how this upcoming book is turning out!