Tag Archives: work


The Shanty Piper Short Haul Sea Shanties Chanties Shipboard Work Songs Maritime Music Highland Bagpipes arrangement notationAs a rule, I keep my creative ideas close to my waistcoat (or in American terms “vest”).  Why?  Well . . . because they’re mine . . . and I of course want to keep other people from making them real before I do.  This includes my EXTREMELY SOON TO FINALLY PUBLISH NEXT BOOK . . . The Shanty Piper!!!

Please understand something — THIS MAY BE THE FIRST BOOK OF ITS KIND!  So far as I’m aware, past or present, there has never been a book of sea shanty music arranged for Scottish bagpipes.  I believe mine will be the first! The Shanty Piper

So why am I sharing this now?  Because a pre-order listing is already posted on The Pipe’s Hut website.  Because my book is finally mere days away from publishing.  Could someone else grab this idea and quickly throw a same-concept book together, and claim theirs as first?  SURE!  But — I don’t think they’re going to, they’d have to do a chunk of work even to create the most basic publication, and mine should be publishing so soon I don’t think they’ll beat me.  Besides, most Scottish bagpipers wouldn’t dare do something this creative or out of line with the underlying proclamation of the purist pipers.  That said — if all goes smoothly — I’m forecasting hitting the big ol’ PUBLISH button around the middle to late this week.  Yeah, The Shanty Piper is that close!

The Piper's Hut

So what’s all this Shanty Piper
“finally publish” stuff?!?

About four years ago I attended my first sea shanty concert — I’d never heard this music or seen it performed before.  I was aware of songs like What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor, Blow The Man Down, Donkey Riding, South Australia, and We’ll Rant And We’ll Roar . . . but I didn’t really know what they where or where they came from.  During the concert, I started to wonder — “Could these tunes fit on Scottish bagpipes???” The Shanty Piper

The Patriotic Piper, Vol. 01 EBOOK COVERDuring the following days, I explored this idea.  I researched shanties, looked up lyrics, made the personal discovery of related YouTube videos, and found notation online to experiment with transposing and arranging for my instrument.  This soon developed into the idea of making a sea shanty book — which only whetted my appetite further.  But this was also a distraction — I was involved in finishing The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 — so what would ultimately become The Shanty Piper had to be put on hold.

About two years ago — with his confidence to keep it confidential — I shared my sea shanty sheet music book idea with Jon Maffett, owner of The Piper’s Hut online bagpipe supply shop.  After this, I resumed working on my shanty book — but due to my focus on another book project, my maritime music endeavour had to be relegated to being a backburner activity. The Shanty Piper

Speaking again with Jon about a year and a half ago, he asked ‘when that folk work-song music book’ was going to be ready.  This caught me off guard — I was surprised that he remembered my idea, and I was frankly flattered!  This got me back to work, and I started to call it The Shanty Piper.  There was the book I had envisioned and started writing, and yet it was clear to me that if I was going to get this idea out — and be the first — I’d need to produce a streamlined version of the concept.

sing sea shanty singinng

The Shanty Piper was starting to take form during the middle of 2024.  My aim was to publish during September.  That was my plan, and then there’s reality.  The project and my personal life were substantially visited by Mr. Murphy of Murphy’s Law Unlimited.  This sort of thing is frustrating for any of us and any aspiration — I did my best to roll with the figurative punches.  This was especially frustrating however because . . .

  1. This was designed to be a slimmed-down streamlined version of the project.  So it should have been easy to complete, and not such a big deal in the face of Murphy’s Law, right?  WRONG!
  2. As said, to my knowledge there is no other book past or present like this one on the market.  It’s not often that anyone gets the chance to be the first with something like this.  Every disruption and obstacle means that many more days someone else has to beat me to the goal.

What’s the September thing about?
And where’s this project now?

Keep calm and shanty onIn the book business, Christmas begins September 1st — and a lot of authors target their book releases in time for Xmas sales.  I’ve been excited to get this on the market — I want folks to see it!  I’m proud of the work, and I’m proud of every part of the book that other’s have contributed to.  The cover looks outstanding, as you can see above.  Uncommon for a bagpipe sheet music book, there’s tune history, theme relevant artwork inside, and song lyrics.  Those things alone are unusual for Scottish bagpipe sheet music books, and my subject matter steps outside of the mainstream — but I gotta be me, and I had to produce this book!

So . . .  TA-DAH — THERE YOU GO, WORLD — There’s the big reveal!

A Few Things To Be Clear About . . .

  • I am not claiming to be the first at putting sea shanties on Scottish or any other kind of bagpipes — only that, as far as I know, no one else has published a book with a collection of sea shanties &/or maritime related arrangements for Scottish bagpipes.
  • Historically, instruments were not utilized when shanties were being sung aboard ships.  There simple wasn’t time or or manpower to spare.  The inclusion of instruments with modern sea shanty singing and performing groups
    (*often guitars, banjos, accordions, et cetera)
  • I started this project because I thought the music would fit on my instrument.  Along the way, I learned that among the men who left home to work on these ships, a portion of them were from the British Isles.  There are elements of sea shanty lyrics and the melodies behind the songs that clearly stem from Scot/Irish music, along with tunes and even songs that were reused within shanties.

Truck Doors … Done?

Adventures In Truckdom
Doors … Done?  Anything … Done?

I set out to do a number of little tasks on my truck today — all of which I thought I was going to be able to knock out and then be done working on my truck for the coming week.  Best laid plans …

After starting in on my truck I found I needed to spend some time addressing the storage of one of my cars along with some spare body parts I have for my truck.  All of this needed immediate attention and it sucked up a bunch of time!  Frustrating, but stuff like that happens.

My plans today were to finish the work on both of my truck doors — seal the gutter rubber, transfer a seal from the bottom of my old passenger door to the new one, pull the windshield washer bottle and change the pump, restocked cab, and install a seat cover.

What did I get done?  … Restocked the cab a bit, half finished the doors, and pulled the windshield washer bottle.  I also had to re-work the passenger door because I screwed up a bit when I built it.  Nothings broken, I just put some stuff on backwards — which I kind of need to take it apart again tomorrow and check the other bits.

Oh, I also got some sandbags into my bed today for winter traction.

What else did I accomplish?  I’m tired and sore.  Going on 3 years ago I was in a car accident and got whiplash; I think I’m mostly healed now and back to normal, but sometimes I wonder that I’m still recovering some of my strength and stamina.  Some of it too could be that I’ve also gotten older in the mean time.  Poo.  But, I’m not one to give up, not one to stop pushing or trying — NOPE!

Here’s the thing… I have plans to leave for the weekend — plans that are important to me — and I need my truck a bit more ready than it has been.  I think I can get everything else done tomorrow.

I’m not sure if I forgot something above.  I’m not sure if this is written at all well.  I’m sore and tired … I mentioned that, right?