Tag Archives: bagpipe


The Shanty Piper Short Haul Sea Shanties Chanties Shipboard Work Songs Maritime Music Highland Bagpipes arrangement notationAs a rule, I keep my creative ideas close to my waistcoat (or in American terms “vest”).  Why?  Well . . . because they’re mine . . . and I of course want to keep other people from making them real before I do.  This includes my EXTREMELY SOON TO FINALLY PUBLISH NEXT BOOK . . . The Shanty Piper!!!

Please understand something — THIS MAY BE THE FIRST BOOK OF ITS KIND!  So far as I’m aware, past or present, there has never been a book of sea shanty music arranged for Scottish bagpipes.  I believe mine will be the first! The Shanty Piper

So why am I sharing this now?  Because a pre-order listing is already posted on The Pipe’s Hut website.  Because my book is finally mere days away from publishing.  Could someone else grab this idea and quickly throw a same-concept book together, and claim theirs as first?  SURE!  But — I don’t think they’re going to, they’d have to do a chunk of work even to create the most basic publication, and mine should be publishing so soon I don’t think they’ll beat me.  Besides, most Scottish bagpipers wouldn’t dare do something this creative or out of line with the underlying proclamation of the purist pipers.  That said — if all goes smoothly — I’m forecasting hitting the big ol’ PUBLISH button around the middle to late this week.  Yeah, The Shanty Piper is that close!

The Piper's Hut

So what’s all this Shanty Piper
“finally publish” stuff?!?

About four years ago I attended my first sea shanty concert — I’d never heard this music or seen it performed before.  I was aware of songs like What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor, Blow The Man Down, Donkey Riding, South Australia, and We’ll Rant And We’ll Roar . . . but I didn’t really know what they where or where they came from.  During the concert, I started to wonder — “Could these tunes fit on Scottish bagpipes???” The Shanty Piper

The Patriotic Piper, Vol. 01 EBOOK COVERDuring the following days, I explored this idea.  I researched shanties, looked up lyrics, made the personal discovery of related YouTube videos, and found notation online to experiment with transposing and arranging for my instrument.  This soon developed into the idea of making a sea shanty book — which only whetted my appetite further.  But this was also a distraction — I was involved in finishing The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 — so what would ultimately become The Shanty Piper had to be put on hold.

About two years ago — with his confidence to keep it confidential — I shared my sea shanty sheet music book idea with Jon Maffett, owner of The Piper’s Hut online bagpipe supply shop.  After this, I resumed working on my shanty book — but due to my focus on another book project, my maritime music endeavour had to be relegated to being a backburner activity. The Shanty Piper

Speaking again with Jon about a year and a half ago, he asked ‘when that folk work-song music book’ was going to be ready.  This caught me off guard — I was surprised that he remembered my idea, and I was frankly flattered!  This got me back to work, and I started to call it The Shanty Piper.  There was the book I had envisioned and started writing, and yet it was clear to me that if I was going to get this idea out — and be the first — I’d need to produce a streamlined version of the concept.

sing sea shanty singinng

The Shanty Piper was starting to take form during the middle of 2024.  My aim was to publish during September.  That was my plan, and then there’s reality.  The project and my personal life were substantially visited by Mr. Murphy of Murphy’s Law Unlimited.  This sort of thing is frustrating for any of us and any aspiration — I did my best to roll with the figurative punches.  This was especially frustrating however because . . .

  1. This was designed to be a slimmed-down streamlined version of the project.  So it should have been easy to complete, and not such a big deal in the face of Murphy’s Law, right?  WRONG!
  2. As said, to my knowledge there is no other book past or present like this one on the market.  It’s not often that anyone gets the chance to be the first with something like this.  Every disruption and obstacle means that many more days someone else has to beat me to the goal.

What’s the September thing about?
And where’s this project now?

Keep calm and shanty onIn the book business, Christmas begins September 1st — and a lot of authors target their book releases in time for Xmas sales.  I’ve been excited to get this on the market — I want folks to see it!  I’m proud of the work, and I’m proud of every part of the book that other’s have contributed to.  The cover looks outstanding, as you can see above.  Uncommon for a bagpipe sheet music book, there’s tune history, theme relevant artwork inside, and song lyrics.  Those things alone are unusual for Scottish bagpipe sheet music books, and my subject matter steps outside of the mainstream — but I gotta be me, and I had to produce this book!

So . . .  TA-DAH — THERE YOU GO, WORLD — There’s the big reveal!

A Few Things To Be Clear About . . .

  • I am not claiming to be the first at putting sea shanties on Scottish or any other kind of bagpipes — only that, as far as I know, no one else has published a book with a collection of sea shanties &/or maritime related arrangements for Scottish bagpipes.
  • Historically, instruments were not utilized when shanties were being sung aboard ships.  There simple wasn’t time or or manpower to spare.  The inclusion of instruments with modern sea shanty singing and performing groups
    (*often guitars, banjos, accordions, et cetera)
  • I started this project because I thought the music would fit on my instrument.  Along the way, I learned that among the men who left home to work on these ships, a portion of them were from the British Isles.  There are elements of sea shanty lyrics and the melodies behind the songs that clearly stem from Scot/Irish music, along with tunes and even songs that were reused within shanties.

Patriotic Piper V.01 @ The Piper’s Hut!


As everyone knows, the Corona pandemic has thrown everything out of wack.  Being an author, it has made for an odd time to release a book — or, as Billy Bob Shakespeare said, “To publish during a pandemic, or not to publish: that is the question.”  The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 has been in  print for just over a year, and as of today November and December 2021 have been the most exciting yet!

Normal Circumstances & One Year Ago

PSST — In addition to 50+ food and beverage recipes, this book also features 3 of my personal compositions.

Before I jump in, it helps if you understand a few things about the book-world from the business end…

I am a self-published author; to date I have three titles to my name and three new books I aim to publish Spring 2022.  As a self-published author all the work to bring a book to reality has to be done, over-seen, and/or paid-for by me.  A self-published author can work their tail-feathers off to promote a book in advance of and once published (or not).  Usually a book sees its best sales when it publishes, and over time the sales decline.

BTW — this e-book is FREE!

Due to this, I had the personal “To publish or not to publish” debate prior to releasing The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01.  Would it be better to complete and hold the publication until things ‘normalized’ … or would it be better to release it and re-work to promote it after the pandemic?  I decided that it was better to publish, have it out in the world and see what happens … and even though it hasn’t done much, I don’t regret that decision.

The Patriotic Piper, Vol. 01

Patriotic Piper Vol. I COVER FRONT
One of the first copies ordered, delivered to a piper friend.

My book could be called “unusual” — I rather the term “eclectic”.  It is the official music collection for The Scottish American Military Society (SAMS) Post 1889 Pipes & Drums — which I head up.  The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 includes 20 traditional Scottish, American, and Irish military and parotic tunes for Highland bagpipes — and tune history.  It also includes 15 Scottish and Irish recipes — and food trivia.  It’s also a fundraiser item for Post 1889.

Like I said … “eclectic”.  While it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I like to think that it still offers a little something for everyone.  I can agree that this is an “unusual” book, and take that as a compliment.

The Piper’s Hut

Many bagpipe supply shops are website based.  One of these is The Piper’s Hut, located in Pickerington, Ohio.  As I see it, The Piper’s Hut has everything — great product selection, competitive prices, and outstanding service.  Obviously, they are one of my favourite bagpipe suppliers!

This past July the preeminent weekly Celtic-music video broadcast, Tartan Tunes, interviewed me about The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 on one of their weekly broadcasts.  Outside of that, it’s been hard to get any traction for my book.  During November, Jon Maffett — owner of The Piper’s Hut — expressed interest in carrying my book.  You can only imagine how thrilled I was!  Getting a bagpipe supplier — not to mention one of my favourites — to carry my book meant that it would not only get additional sales but also receive better attention by the members of the piping community.

So, of course, I ordered copies to The Piper’s Hut as fast as I could!

Last Night, This Morning, and Noon Today

Last NightGOOD NEWS — I received a photo text from a piping friend.  It showed that my book had been listed on The Piper’s Hut website.  My book had been publicized through their most recent email, advertising new products — right at the top of the email!

This MorningGOOD NEWS — I received an email from The Piper’s Hut reading that …. THEY SOLD OUT IN 18 HOURS!!!!  Yes, Jon and his wife, Michelle, can legitimately claim that they are able to sell books faster than Amazon.

Noon Today GOOD NEWS — I spoke with Jon and he requested an order of additional copies of The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01.  While these books will of course be on back-order for a short period, folks can keep ordering copies from The Piper’s Hut. And to think I was thrilled to have this book as part of Piper’s Hut inventory before …. today I am OVER THE MOON!😃

The Big Picture

Is this THAT big of a deal?  Well … maybe not.  However, in the weird pandemic-time this is among the first ‘thing’ to happen for The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01.  I’ve not personally seen copies of my book sell this fast, and if nothing else … it feels good!  My hope is that this is the first of things to come.  Heck … it’d be a kick if The Piper’s Hut sold out of today’s order before the shipment arrived — and Jon and Michelle had to order more.  So like I said before the book is out in the world … let’s see what happens!

PS …

Work on The Patriotic Piper Vol. 02 is already underway.  I have a solid concept for Vol. 03, and concepts for books 04 and 05 are still getting finalized.  Remember … you read it here FIRST!

ALSO… the e-book version of The Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 is also available at SmashWords and most other major e-book retailers.

The Patriotic Piper – PUBLISHED!

The Patriotic Piper, Vol. 01 EBOOK COVERThe Patriotic Piper, Vol. I” — my first Highland bagpipe sheet music book — has PUBLISHED!!!  Since it’s launch last Sunday things have been non-stop.  I’ve spent nearly 10 hours each day promoting the book online — mostly talking with people about its contents and my approach to the work.  Positive reviews are coming in on Amazon and people are saying great things on Facebook.  The book and e-book even hit Amazon’s “#1 New Release in Military Marches“.

Here’s the short list of what’s in the first installment of
The Patriotic Piper …

  • 20 traditional Scottish American military and patriotic bagpipe compositions, arranged into 8 performance numbers
  • 15 delicious Scottish and Irish recipes
  • Numerous history and trivia writings accompanying the tunes and recipes

(Click here for a Longer Description)

Patriotic Piper Vol. I COVER FRONT
An early arrival! (Front Cover)

Various people have messaged saying that their copies are already showing up in the mail.  They tell me the book looks great, and it is even more interesting and fun than they expected.  As an author … well … that tells me I did my job!

Patriotic Piper Vol. 01 COVER BACK
(Back Cover)

Several proud new book owners claim to like my concept of accompanying the compositions with the tune histories.  Some even said that this was a deciding factor in their book purchase.  Numerous people have indicated their excitement about my inclusion of traditional Scottish and Irish recipes as the second half of the book.  Certainly, there’s something for everyone in The Patriotic Piper, Vol. 01.

The Patriotic Piper is a fundraiser item for the Scottish American Military Society Post #1889.  Not only am I a member, I also serve as an officer leading our small but stout Pipe & Drum corps.  This is the official music collection of the Post.  The monies raised by this book will assist Post 1889 with their projects.  S.A.M.S. is a national organization and is a Congressionally Chartered Veterans Service Organization, which is dedicated to the preservation of the contributions of the Scots to the American Military and Society.

The Patriotic Piper is Available Now on Amazon
Print Edition — Published 22Nov2020
E-Book — Published 05Nov2020

Find The Patriotic Piper
At GoodReads and
At Whidbey Island Baking Company

UPDATE – My 1st Bagpipe Music Book

AS Most Of You Know I have been working on my next book — and it is close to DONE! The work has been going well and I am excited to debut it — but what is it?!?  Get ready, it’s a mouthful… UPDATE

SAMS Post 1889
SAMS Post 1889 — that’s me on the left, #94

While it looks to include some modern-traditional Scottish & Irish recipes, the book will in-part serve as a FUNdraiser for my Scottish American Military Society veterans Post.  The main feature of this text is military & patriotic Scottish & American bagpipe tunes & their histories. The News about this — the UPDATE — I finished writing the tune histories Sunday night! This is a major chunk of work on this project and the accomplishment feels GREAT 🙂

I sent these histories to one of my Post-mates yesterday who is formerly a copy editor.  He’ll go over my work while I keep my nose to the grindstone retouching the notation, finishing the writing in the beginning of the book, and starting to write the sales paragraphs for the back of the book.  Suffice it to say — there is still some work to go, however with this latest development I Am OPTIMISTIC that this book will be completed and that I will have copies-in-hand by or before my target end-of-June release date. 😀 UPDATE

& Updates On A Few Other Things…

Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies

While I’m EXCITED to get the Post Piper book released, completing that project paves the way for me to return to re-doing my mini freE-book.  My plan is for this project is to first go up on Smashwords with the possibility of following as a book &/or short recipe book on Amazon. A few weeks ago I did a second publication of my e-book on Smashwords — previously only available on Amazon. The cool thing with Smashwords is that they push your e-book to all the other e-book platforms — B&N, Kobo, Overdrive — EVERYONE! Go check it out — my e-book is currently lower-priced on Smashwords right now than it is on Amazon … or at least it was the last I checked 😉 UPDATE


Click here for my debut recipe book & e-book on Amazon or use the Smashwords widget to buy the e-book in your preferred format Right Here! 😀

St. Patrick’s Day 2019 – NO GO

Ouch! … So … Here’s the news …

St. Patrick's Day is broken

Last night the wheels fell off of St. Patrick’s Day 2019 — Nae Regretsmy Celtic-rock band, will not be playing. NR usually has 2 annual gigs, –they are a BLAST to play and the folks hosting us always take good care of us.  In and around these gigs — if we can — we try to wedge in a few other performances.

You were the chosen one!
Obi-Wan is disappointed

With St. Pat’s on a Sunday this year my aim for Nae Regrets was to play Friday evening, pull off some gigs Saturday along with busking Emerald City Comic Con, and then do our beloved Sunday gigs then go home and be back at it like normal people come Monday morning. The closer we’ve gotten to St. Pat’s 2019 the more things have fallen apart. Nae Regrets has been on on/off hiatus for a long time, but we have ALWAYS pulled it together and played St. Patrick’s Day. Not playing this year could mean the longest stretch that we haven’t played.  I am disappointed to say the least.

When something isn’t happening, don’t force it — it’s time to take a step back.

NFWL big audience for Nae Regrets
I’m Thane — did someone say my name?!?

Make Your Darn Good Cookies book cover

Rolling with the punches, over the next year’s time I want to work with Thane on the music we’ve been talking about.  I’ve always loved what NR does — especially when playing live — however I have wanted to take the music to where I have always imagined it.  There are two other musicians I have wanted to bring on as core players and an amazing collection of other gifted artists I would like to have contribute. For some time now Nae Regrets has had 2 albums planned out on paper with more material to follow — but time and logistics have kept things from happening.  2019 will be the year to re-group!

Bummer about St. Pat’s 2019 — in addition to Nae Regrets’ albums, I wanted to bring copies of my book!  Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies is available now on Amazon in paperback and e-book forms. WIBC

Things I Will Not Have To Put Up With Not Playing St. Patrick’s Day 2019

  • bad tattoo
    The 3-leaf Shamrock is Irish whereas 4-leaf clovers are Los Vegas

    Plastic Paddys

  • Drunks
  • Green beer (#cheap, #domestic)
  • Bad bars
  • Unappreciative audience members
  • Over-appreciative audience members
  • Audience members who won’t GTFO my stage
  • Four leaf clovers
  • Drunks
  • Plastic Paddys
  • People who think it’s okay to be “Irish for a day” and that means getting drunk and hitting someone
  • People who think it’s okay to impugn Irish heritage because it’s white people
  • People who don’t know the first thing about St. Patrick
  • People who think St. Patrick was only good and fail to also see that he also destroyed a culture and heritage that was perfectly fine on it’s own
  • People who fail to understand that I am playing Scottish pipes and wearing a Scottish kilt and that the heritages of Scotland and Ireland are not interchangeable … but I’m out there playing because it’s a gig and I need the money

Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2019 and My Book!

Do you know about Gung Haggis Fat Choy in Seattle?

GHFC founder, Toddish McWong

Do you know about my recipe book on Amazon?

Imagine them together — because

Every year I look forward to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy event in Seattle.  I’ve been the ‘Official Piper’ for our state’s version of this Chinese-Scottish cross-cultural dinner-show since it started in this former logging town — it’s a BLAST!

This time a year ago as I was once again preparing for the fun and frivolity of the night, I received an interesting request…. My friend, Bill MacFadden — who’s also the Seattle GHFC host — invited me to present my upcoming recipe book “Make Your Own Darn Good Cookies“.  There was just one problem ….

I hadn’t finished it yet!

My book published on Amazon this past fall — 26Oct2018 to be exact!  Last year Bill offered for me to include a copy of my book with a plate of my cookies in the pot-luck dessert auction — I couldn’t do it last year so I’m doing it this year 🙂

When I thought about it though, I asked myself “How does my book tie in to this Scottish-Chinese event?!?”  The answer to that is simple!  In my book I feature how to make traditional Scottish Shortbread along with the history of its importance with Hogmanay (part of Scottish New Years).  Also, three of my own bagpipe compositions are featured at the end of the book …

Beag air Bheag (“Little by Little” in Scots Gaelic)

Lullaby For Zoë

Brother Emmett’s Waltz

Debuting my book has been a joy and I’m EXCITED to be bringing it to Gung Haggis Fat Choy in Seattle 2019 — February 24th at China Harbor — see the Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy website for tickets!

Here’s a video of me playing for a Lion at the 2011 event — while the sound-quality leaves a few things to be desired, this performance is one of my biggest memories of playing the Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy!

AIT – The Next Big Push

AIT? = Adventures In Truckdom

I’ve been a busy bloke lately …
… I’ve restarted my day-job search
… I’ve been working on my truck to get ready for my commute
… I’ve been promoting my book, AND
… I’ve been getting a few book presentations scheduled

Yeah, you read that bit about how I’m working on getting a day-job and getting my truck ready for my commute?  Here’s the thing … I need to kill the rust on the cab floor of my truck and paint it.  I’ve had some modern Naval Jelly stuff and paint along with other supplies, I just haven’t had time.  My preference has been to do this outside during the summer, yet the past few summers have been too busy.  This is +/- a 1-week project …. and now I’m trying to do it done before a job starts AND in winter?!?

Here’s The Deal …

The work ahead is more or less like this — bearing in mind that I have to make some accommodations to do the work at this time of year …

  • Remove the bumpers from my truck to get it to narrowly fit in the garage at my new place — DONE
  • Remove the bench seat and flooring — Partly DONE
  • Carefully pull my truck into the garage where there is little space (Note that previously I thought I was going to have to remove the doors, too — but I’ve figured out how to accomplish the work without pulling these off.)
  • Not a post like this.

    Heat the cab in an otherwise cold garage so the rust-killer stuff I have will work right and then allow it to sit for about 24 hours

  • Paint the floor and heat the cab in the previously mentioned cold garage so the paint will dry right and allow that to sit for about 3 days
  • Reinstall everything in the cab, put the bumpers back on, and return to driving on the sidewalks (<– yes, that last one is a joke — if you can’t deal with it then stop reading now)
  • There are other tasks I aim to complete while the truck is off the road and the paint is curing, however that is aside the focus of this post …

Progress so far …

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on getting this project going — but things keep coming up.  You make plans and then there’s what happens — plans (often) don’t always work out as projected, the important part is that you do your best.  I have the bumpers off, the seat-belts and the bench-seat unbolted.  Yesterday I thought I was going to get the truck in, however a problem presented with the garage door — so a decision was made to put the work off until next week after the door is fixed.

There is a bright-spot in all of this …

I have plenty to do in the meantime — including working on my job search.  As for my truck, one of the smaller tasks is that I’ve wanted to kill the rust on the rear bumper and paint it.  I had planned to do this concurrently while working on the floor — now I get to try out my Naval Jelly product first and get familiar with it before working on the more-critical floor.  This also gives me time to work on other things that have needed attention.

OH… and one more thing… There is an online bagpipe school called Dojo University — I’ve known about them for years and heard nothing but good things and their prices are quite affordable.  If I could I would like to give their school a go, however I haven’t had an adequate net connection since finding out about them.  In the mean time I’ve read articles that they put out and uses some of their free services.  Lately I’ve been taking part in the “Dojo U 100 Day Bagpipe Challenge“.  The primary part of the challenge is for pipers, in their individual practice, to assemble their pipes and practice one tune — any tune — a day for 100 consecutive days …. and if you miss a day, you have to start over.  I see the object of this as not so much to work on one’s playing ability as it is to develop discipline.  Today will be Day 012 — it’s going well — and if I can … between now and when I can get started on my truck next week … I aim to do two practices a day.

Joyeux Noël AKA Merry Christmas (2005)

I’ve wanted to watch the 2005 film “Joyeux Noël” (AKA Merry Christmas) for years — finally got to and I’m very glad I did!  One could easily say that every piper, every musician, and every person ought to.

We all know the setting…

The Great War, which of course later came to be known as World War I and lasted from 28July1914 to 11November1918.  It is viewed as being the first modern war and the most destructive.

Scottish soldiers in a WWI trench
Emerging from the trenches with Silent Night in the film.

During the first year of the war there were a number of informal and unauthorized “Christmas truces“, where men on both sides of the Western Front line stopped fighting to celebrate the holiday … and in some cases met in the middle to celebrate together.  Joyeux Noël is a dramatization of a group of French, Scottish, and German soldiers.  Having heard Silent Night on bagpipes from trench and the singing of the classic song by a German vocalist in another trench, they rose and met on No Man’s Land in one of these truces.

Maybe I think too much, this gets listed as an anti-war film.  I’m not always sure what makes a song or a film (etc) an anti-war piece — or to say, some are more obvious and direct than others.  What I am clear on is that Joyeux Noël shows that we as different cultures can set aside our differences, meet together peacefully, and share what we have in common.  To me some of the significance of this film has to do with universal languages — among those I believe are math and music.  As musicians we bring people together — in good times, in bad times, and bridging our different languages.  The lyrics may sound different but the music is the same.

Here are my side-notes on this film — in other words, these are the not important things I observed …

To me this film looked great — the costumes were good, there were four languages in this film (so long as you count the priest delivering a sermon in Latin), the acting was good, and so far as I could tell everything was period correct.  According to Wikipedia, Joyeux Noël had a budget of $22 million and brought in only $17,709,155 at the box office.  This happens — a well made film with a beautiful message … clearly it did not go unnoticed, and from when I’ve talked about wanting to see it the film apparently resonates in the collective conscious … but I’m saddened that this didn’t get as much notice in the theater that it profited let alone broke even.

As a musician I of course enjoy seeing when singers and instrumentalists are given focus in a film or in a TV show — especially when pipes are featured in a film.  I’m also accustom to these not actually featuring singers or musicians. In the case of this film the actors-not-singing is glaringly obvious — the lip syncing is painful.  The bagpiping in this film is also synced (pipe-synced?), which is understandable — finding actors who play bagpipes is uncommon (yep, sorry — Viggo Mortensen doesn’t actually play pipes in Captain Fantastic, although the filmmakers did a very good job of making it look like he did and Viggo trained hard to look as-so).  The pipe-syncing is both good & bad in Joyeux Noël.  When pipers start playing and then stop playing but the tune continues … that’s bad.  However, at times in this film the actors-not-pipers are seen playing and they actually do a considerably accurate job of appearing to play … so to some extent these guys actually trained — WOW!

The one other hang-up I had, or call it that if you will — there were four sets of bagpipes in the film.  Four clearly bran new, shiny sets of pipes.  I find it hard to imagine that pipes exposed to such conditions would be in such good shape, but this is a small thing so let’s look past it.

Okay, before I get any more into the weeds, let’s just say this — Joyeux Noël was a heck of a film — see it, it well deserves its time in the sun.

Joyeux Noël AKA Merry Christmas

Make no mistake, this is not a buddy-comedy film